Duration4 days from, 1 pm – 22 pm.
LocationKösk, Munich (Schrenkstr. 8)
studio-nue.com | kerstinskopf.de
Who doesn‘t know that feeling of scorching heat that you sense burning on your chest specifically caused by emotions of anger, disappointment, sadness or happiness? This deep burn often comes unexpectedly and is sometimes difficult to endure. Like a hot disc shoved under your skin. This phenomenon is what the Communication Designer and Founder of Studio Nüe, Linda Nübling, calls “The hot plate“, a constant companion of her‘s throughout her life.
The works displayed by Studio Nüe in this exhibition take you on a journey through Linda's perspective of the year 2016 as she visualizes ”The hot plate“ from two different angles. The first, from her own perspective via large-form typography posters and the second via photographer Kerstins Kopf‘s individually staged photographs.
Through this collaboration, the two creatives provide contrasting perspectives of "The hot plate“, with the aim of giving the feeling to onlookers of what it means to be different and yet to be the same. Being caught in between and not knowing where one belongs. To show empathy to oneself and others is the key to more tolerance and understanding inour society.
If you wanna know more about this project, please don't hesitate to contact us: hey@studio-nue.com